Wednesday, January 18, 2012

wish list

With my birthday under a week away I can't help but browse shops and the internet, finding things that I wouldn't mind turning up on Monday in beautiful wrapping paper. Some things I know I will never get but hey, a girl can dream!

I love these scales; they come in a variety of colours but the mint ones are my favourite. I have some scales, which are useless. I end up guessing how much of each ingredient as my scales seem incapable of doing so and, in fact, go backwards when try to weigh things on them. These mint ones would sit pride and place in my, albeit, very small kitchen.
The black shoes I think I'll end up getting regardless. I have an array of shoes in many different colours and styles but I am missing a basic black shoe. I feel this has to be a staple in any girl's wardrobe.
They seem the in thing at the moment, but I love them anyway, turquoise rings. I went Christmas shopping in Camden and spotted so many; I was in too much of a rush and busy buying other people presents to so much as get one. Maybe it'll be a birthday present to myself next time I go back up there.
I own the gold foil effect nail varnish and love it, however, I feel gold is festive and so reserve it for the months leading up to Christmas. At least the silver can be used all year round.
My dream buy/present, a Marc Jacobs bag. I adore the things this man produces and to have anything would be lovely but a bag by him would be amazing!


  1. Absolutely adore the black heels & ring! Gorgeous!

    The Urban Umbrella

  2. I always find things I want before my birthday when I'm not meant to be getting anything! Love the big chunky ring..

