Wednesday, February 29, 2012

lovin' from the oven.

(my friend's 20th birhday cake, my dad's golf course birthday cupcakes, Alex's rainbow cake and Halloween cupcakes)

I love baking, even when the icing doesn't go right and I end up getting stressed and creating a huge mess in the kitchen (Alex usually helps with the tidying part), it's still something I love. Whenever there is an occassion I like to make something in the kitchen. I have Alex's cake all planned out for his birthday at the end of March and I'm very excited for it. Last year I made him a huge rainbow cake; it was the heaviest cake I have made! No doubt this years cake will be stressful and trying to hide it in a one bedroom flat, in a kitchen with no storage space is not an easy task! The first task of it all is getting the ingredients ready; after that, I just have to wait until he is out the house long enough for me to make it, decorate it and hide it!

Monday, February 27, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

Last week has been filled with lots of different things. I finally got my eyes tested and guess what... I did need a new perscription. Putting my glasses on makes such a difference, despite how much it cost and how much I hate the opticians I am glad I got it sorted. We also made pancakes this week; they weren't great but Alex liked them. We also had our first proper date night in ages. It was lovely; we went to our local curry house and ate so much. We got back home, crawled into bed, watched tv and ate chocolate. I think I was asleep by 10.30. It was a lovely night. I've also got some exciting news from work this week; I've decided to up my contract. It's going to make such a huge difference come payday and it is a weight lifted off my mind as I finish uni soon and needed more hours at work. I've also been essay writing this week. I cannot wait for those days to be over. I'm planning on finishing it tomorrow; but for tonight, well Alex and I are going for dinner again.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


(image via nicety)

I wish they were spent in the sunshine, outdoors, or curled up under a duvet watching films. The truth is I very rarely get Sundays off as I always have work. The only time I get them off is when I book holiday (my next sunday off is taken up by a christening); I can't wait to have a saturday or sunday off (wouldn't both be amazing?!) and go out with Alex and do alsorts of things. Wake up early and go out for breakfast before going exploring somewhere. I know that by working on Sundays I just have to take advantage of the days off I do have; maybe that'll be easier once I've finished uni, but it just isn't the same. It's like the weekend has a special vibe; you know most other people don't work over it so therefore you shouldn't either.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

being human.

(image via wikipedia)

I have been a fan of the BBC's Being Human since I was introduced to it by Alex, three years ago. I caught up with series one and couldn't wait for series two to begin. It is now on its fourth series, but with some many changes in the cast I am struggling to enjoy this series as much as the three that came before it. For anyone who has not seen the show, it centers on a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf all living together and, funnily enough, trying to be human. Now, there is still a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf, but the orginal vampire and the werewolf are no longer in it. This is where I am struggling; for new viewers to the show, you need to know very little back story for this series and you would still be able to follow the story and get excited and involved in the show. For me, I watched the three protagonists gain a friendship and the lives that followed but now, I feel the trinity has to be kept so they have ended up putting the three figures in a show together. With my two favourite characters gone (and definetly not coming back) and the current series already half way through its run, I do not know whether it will get better. I hope something will happen to get me excited to sit in front of the tv again on a Sunday and to be lost in the Being Human world; but right now, I'm sticking to the series 1-3 boxset.
How do you guys feel when they change characters in your favourite shows?

Monday, February 20, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

It has been a long week with work and uni, hence why my pictures are mainly based around staying and eating. Me and Alex did go out on Friday night with some of our friends (she has the pictures). It was a long day Friday, up at 6.30am, work, uni, out with friends, bed at 4am! Then work the next day. Ouch! Hopefully after some much needed sleep I will start to function better and be more proactive.

Friday, February 17, 2012

coffee table.

I've been meaning to buy this book for ages and so when I got an amazon voucher for my birthday I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get it. I got for a bargain price too- I intend to make my voucher go a long way. Especially since I booked an eye test today and I know I need glasses so need to save some money where I can. The Goddess Guide by Gisele Scanlon is the perfect coffee table book. It has everything you need from fashion to cleaning; and each page has handy goddess tips! At the moment I have little time to read for fun; what with finishing uni work and having to read play after play for my english literature part of my degree. So for me having this book in the flat is perfect to pick up and put down at will. I love getting lost in a good story but not having to worry losing my place or putting it down, and months later picking it back up again. Its cover is also beautiful, all the black is felt and feels fantastic. Not only do I love it, I reckon it would make a perfect present for any friend.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

my valentine

My Valentine's Day was pretty chilled out; I had to work but when I got back I was banned from the kitchen. Alex cooked a delicious meal; I was so full. My gifts were also brilliant and we have started the Being Human website. I also made a few little things for Alex, including a little coupon booklet (inspiration from mommybydaycrafterbynight) which including vouchers for a movie date of his choice. Although I'm not a huge Valentine's fan, this was a winner for me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

cupid came calling

Valentine's Day is always tricky; you want to give someone something special without pulling at the purse strings. So, always being one to make something I decided to browsing the web until I found the perfect thing. And that is when I came across this little gift idea: a Valentine's door hanger (courtesy of doodlebugblog).

Mine might not be as neat, or as pretty and I'm pretty sure mine took hours longer to make than theirs did but I'm still pretty proud of it. I filled it with Valentine sweets and a postcard. I sneaked out of bed early to place it on the door.

Monday, February 13, 2012

fourteen things

So I know many people will come out with the same old speech, I have already said it twice this past week, but why show your love and appreciation for that special someone on one day of the year, surely it should be everyday, right? And yes it should and for most of us it does; snuggling up on the sofa each night, saying 'I love you' every morning, it shows our loved ones that we care. I am a romantic at heart, and despite my reservations about Valentine's Day, I can safely say that if Alex didn't do anything, I would be a little bit gutted. I think that is where most of us stand; be romantic all year through but buy me a card on Valentine's!

Before the actually day occurs, I thought I'd share fourteen things I love about Alex and about us.

# He is patient, I am not.
# I love his attempts at cooking, and going through all the details with me before he starts anything.
# I love that he makes me endless cups of tea.
# We have fun, and make up silly games like we're five again.
# He never stays cold for long, I'm cold all the time.
# He likes surprising me, I hate surprises.
# I love his blue sparkling eyes.
# I love his concentration face.
# I love him playing the guitar, with said concentration face.
# I love that he writes 'I love you' at the end of any message he sends me.
# He just goes with the flow, I have to be somewhat orgainised first.
# I love his cuddles.
# I love his new found determination.
# We have our dog's name already picked out, we just need a puppy.

my week, according to my photos

Most of my week has been about trying to stay warm. Our flat is freezing and the cold weather is making it worse. I love winter but I wish our flat came with a fireplace and a puppy; hours of fun and heat. My weekend was spent working and most of this week to come is the same. This is my only day off from uni and work until...well I'm not sure yet! Today is all about getting on top things and settling down with a good film this afternoon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

what actually happened today.

# I did sort out instagram.
# I'm ten pages away from getting to act two.
# I ate more pizza and then pasta.
# Endless cups of tea were drank.
# Spent the evening trawling through the internet for frames and everything else in between.
# Reading weather reports to see if it really is going to snow again.
# Pestered Alex to buy me cheesecake/cake/sweet things.
# Watched the breath come out of my mouth, in the flat!
# Planned mini trips away.

Okay so not everything on my list got done, but I'm saying toasty warm.

to conquer is to live.

I've had a slow start to today which means a productive afternoon must be pursued. Little things to do to make a difference to the day.

# Go to class, make notes and come away with a solid idea/plans for my video cast.
# Stay as warm as possible throughout the day.
# Send lots of messages to friends.
# Get to act two in the play I'm reading.
# Make a warm and toasty dinner.
# Work off the pizza from last night.
# Sort out instagram.
# Look up photoframes to buy.
# Start planning birthday presents.
# Snuggle up and watch a movie with Alex.
# Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
# Come home to this...

Monday, February 6, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken

# Monday night baking.
# Adding twinkly lights to our bookcase
# Navy and gold polka dot nails.
# Heart shaped lemon meringue pie for dinner with Alex and Ashley.
# Playing in the snow.

I was suppose to upload these yesterday but I was so tired from late night snow fights and Sunday at work.

Inspiration from rockstar diaries.

Friday, February 3, 2012

predictions and plans

(image via etsystatic.)

This weekend, our friend Ashley is coming to stay (he's on his way as we speak). I've also got a huge list of things to do, including starting my first uni assignment of the new year.
We've been predicted snow this weekend, I have everything crossed that it's true and that it'll be heavy. I'm such a big kid about Christmas and snow, and since Christmas is over...
I'll try and put up a couple posts over the weekend, right now I have to get back to dinner. Homemade pizzas and heart-shaped lemon meringue pie.
Have a good weekend.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Another month, another list. I like to set myself a list of things to do each month, they range from the simple to do things to things I really want to do/make/see. As January was so full on I didn't get to do one, but now as February begins...

# Cook dinner for friends.

(image via bowtiesandbliss)

# Write more letters.

(image via
# Make cute things for Alex, for Valentine's Day.

(image via 2.bp.)
# Visit the Tower of London.

(image via myenglandtravel)
# Add more homely touches to the flat.

# Get my journalism assignments planned and under way.

# Have a party. Or at least dress up, go out and have cocktails.

(image via brookeanne)
What are your plans for the month?


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babes in arms

(image via victorianweb)

My baby cousin is being christened in just over the month and I have the challenge of finding an outfit for the occasion. It'll be a big family affair and Alex is coming along too. It'll be the first time he has met all of my Dad's side of the family (he's only met my gran to date), so it's pretty big for us too. I've decided I want to wear a dress or a skirt but still I have no idea where to start! It's in March so the sun is still in its deceptive stage. I need warm, smart/casual dress, that I can wear again.

Any suggestions?

I have started the hunt, and these are some of the options so far.
(dresses can be found on asos and missguided)