It's sunny days like this that I miss having a garden the most. Of course today, like yesterday, will be spent at work but I would still like the option, when I'm not at work, to sit out in our garden and enjoy the limited amount of good weather England has to offer. From our flat I can see everyone else's gardens and I feel envious and annoyed, especially as these people seem to never be out in their gardens! I suppose when I lived at home I was the same, never out in the garden, doing other things. It just goes to show that you take things for granted until they're gone. Today would be perfect for a sunny afternoon walk in the sun, stopping off somewhere for a drink in a beer garden or by the river and then coming home for the first bbq of the year. But alas, it's another full day in at work with no natural light coming in but at the door. Don't worry sun, we will meet soon.
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