Friday, March 2, 2012

new music.

I countlessly hear songs while I'm out or at work and hardly ever am I in a position to find out who sings them. This time was different; a song came on our work radio, we were quiet so I sneaked to see who sung it. The answer SBTRKT.

A voice accompanied by amazing backing tracks that I can plug in, listen and instantly image myself dancing around my house to it or even better dancing on a night out to it! I love discovering new music (even if its only new music to me). I haven't really gone out my way to find new music recently and I know thats very bad. All I can say is who knew the work radio could change its habits (we usually have the saturdays and britney spears) and therefore change mine.

twitter: @SBTRKT

1 comment:

  1. Hello love,
    I've awarded you the Versatile Blog Award - go check it out at:

