Saturday, June 30, 2012

june loves.

# Thorpe Park.

# Making things.

# My sofa.

# Wintery weather.

(image via mymodernmet)

# baking.

# Window shopping on the internet.

# Taking bigger steps.

(image via blog)

# It's less than 6 months until Christmas!

(image via flickr)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

thorpe park.

As part of birthday celebrations for my friend we went to Thorpe Park. It was so quiet (thanks to anyone who decided their dads weren't going to appreciate Thorpe Park that Sunday). Alex and I had been wanting to go for a while but never had and so we had a great day. I didn't do some of the rides that I wanted to, but there's always next time.

This is their new ride (video not mine), it's safe to say I screamed a lot. Although, second time on it my friend and I were laughing so much (that is when I wasn't upside down-pure screams then) that I couldn't breathe properly!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

weekly wishes.

(image via pinterest)

# To spend as little money as possible.
# Sort out my hair.
# Get robe measurements and order/be close to ordering them.

Weekly wishes #12

# To stick with salads.
# To start putting together my costume for my friend's birthday.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

no fruit in sight.

It was my friend's birthday a couple of weeks ago but we only recently got round to celebrating this past weekend. Although she got a cake from her parents she didn't have one on her actual birthday so I decided for our weekend catch up/celebrations I'd make her some cupcakes, as everyone should have birthday cakes, and I don't need any excuses not to bake!! I don't normally do chocolate things but as my friend is allergic to fruit it narrowed down the options. I'm pretty pleased with these beauties; mint choc chip (the green ones, surprise, surprise!) and plain vanilla with chocolate icing.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

a sweet treat for one great guy.

I was perusing Pinterest a while ago, trying to gain inspiration for my Dad's Father's Day present and I stumbled across something that I knew he'd love. It involved chocolate- all his favourite kinds. It was titled 'For One Sweet Dad' and I thought that summed him up completely. It was a perfect little present to make, and easy to send (which was so good considering we're hundreds of miles apart).

Monday, June 18, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

Such an action packed week; I've had a busy week of making, including Father's Day gifts and celebrating. I've had many birthdays and occasions so it's been nice. They carry on next week too, I'm just hoping to chill out in the days in between. Alex and I have also been trying to redo parts of the house; latest room the bedroom; we have some fabulous new bedding. It never takes me long to fall asleep and this new bedding, makes it even harder to keep my eyes open!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

dad's day.

Happy Father's Day to my truly amazing Dad! I'm so looking forward to seeing him next month. He is a brilliant man, who makes me laugh, gives good hugs and the best advice.

weekly wishes.

(image via picsandquotes)

# To be confident in what I do this week.
# To finish off decorating our bedroom.
# To catch up with friends outside of the workplace.
Weekly wishes #11
# To spend as little money as possible.
# Sort out my hair.
# Get robe measurements and order/be close to ordering them.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

tapas in covent garden.

Last week Alex and I had to venture out in the pouring rain to central London. It poured and we both got very wet and so Alex decided to take me out for dinner while we were there. It was lovely and so very filling.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

weekly wishes.

(image via pinterest)
# Enjoy my days off as much as possible.
# Step up on a certain project that needs to happen.
Weekly Wishes #10
# To be confident in what I do this week.
# To finish off decorating our bedroom.
# To catch up with friends outside of the workplace.

dear dear!

What a terrible blogger I have been recently; however, I'm hoping this picture of Alex by an big exclamation mark, makes up for how bad I've been!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

indoor bbq.

It's hard to think that a little over a week ago we were all complaining about the heat and sunning ourselves as much as possible. As you may know we do not have a garden with our flat and so every summer comes Alex and I enviously look at our neighbours' gardens wishing for one of our own. We do still try and do the typical summer things, i.e. a bbq; it just has to be indoors; so when our friend came to visit we did just that.

Monday, June 4, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

Slight lack of photos this week as I've done a 48 hour week, so I've been stuck inside for pretty much all of it. Hopefully I'll manage to squeeze in something else this week besides work. Hope everyone is enjoying the Jubilee celebrations!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

weekly wishes.

(image via encoreuneminute)
# To go outside as much as possible (I'm working 6 days next week).
# Start planning various bits and pieces for various friends upcoming birthdays.
# To start booking things for graduation. (not through lack of trying!!)
Weekly wishes #9
# Enjoy my days off as much as possible.
# Step up on a certain project that needs to happen.

Friday, June 1, 2012

park life.

With the recent sun we've had and no garden to enjoy it in, we've been making recent trips to the park. We did this last Sunday and it was lovely, especially since we had our friend, who we haven't seen since last easter, come up and visit us for a couple of days.