Friday, August 31, 2012

august loves.

# Pinterest.

# Cocktails.

# Catching up with my friend on a pretty much weekly basis.

# Me time.

(image via muymolon)

# Getting home much earlier from work than I did with my last job.

# Seeing a friend I haven't seen in 2 years.

# Freshly painted nails.

# The autumn weather we've started to get.

# Pay day.

# Being home alone and singing out loud, loudly!

(image via pinterest)

# Having a clear out of things.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

just me.

 (image via laurajul)
Don't get me wrong, I love the time I spend with Alex, friends and what not but sometimes there is nothing better than some time out alone. I think this mainly stems from being an only child; I'm content in my own company and most of the time strive for it. Tonight has been one of those perfect 'me time' moments. I finished work, picked up some ingredients for dinner and a bottle of wine; came home cooked, had a couple glasses of wine and watched whatever I wanted on tv. I now intend to go for a long shower while listening to music (I know that's more apt with baths but I don't like having baths). Time alone is so perfect and helps me unwind and take stock of everything.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

there's a chill in the air.

And I love it! Over the past week the wind has picked up a bit and the autumn weather has started to move in. It's still sunny but so much cooler so my it means that I had better pick up some autumn essentials to help me stay stylish and warm.
1. Blazer || 2. Cardigan || 3.Leggings || 4. Shoes ||
5. Shirt || 6. Watch

Monday, August 27, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

The rain really sums up my week to be honest; I've been ill all week. I'm slowly getting better; I thought if I pushed through it without resting I'd be fine. I was wrong! But there you go, at least I'm getting better. It has meant that I haven't been up to much this week, I don't mind too much as it helps me as I'm trying to spend as little money as possible at the moment. My mum is coming up for a girls weekend in about 3 weeks so I'm saving as much for then.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

weekly wishes.

(image via tumblr)

# To get rid of this horrible flu. (I'm almost there)
# To have another week of spending as little money as possible.
# To order a few Christmas presents.
# To have a cozy night in with Alex (it won't be cozy if it stays this hot and stuffy but we can try).

Weekly wishes #21

# To update my cv and make it look fancy.
# Send more emails to people.
# To have some kind of bank holiday with Alex, even if it is a day later.
# That our things sell on ebay and that they make us some money.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

a change of plans.

It's really pouring out and autumn really is on its way.
I was suppose to be going out today with a friend; a little bit of shopping and then celebrating at her leaving do. I am now doing neither; to be honest, with weather like this I'm not too disappointed with the whole shopping thing, but it would have been nice to go out this evening. After my doctors appointment and my week I think it's best that I just do nothing but snuggle in with Alex eating our celebrations and watching rubbish Saturday night tv. It's not a bad compromise really.

Friday, August 24, 2012

under the weather.

I've had the flu, now, according to the doctor, I've got a post viral cough; fun right? It's been annoying, I've been struggling all week at work with it when I should have just listened to my body and shut down for a bit. I almost did that today (I battled it out for 2 hours at work before going home) and I intend on doing it tomorrow. I'm going to sleep and keep consuming all things yellow. My mum always says yellow is a happy colour and so I'm hoping that honey, lemon and ginger is the key to me getting back on track.

Monday, August 20, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

Well, from the photos above it just looks like a drank a lot! Although cocktails were involved (yes, again!) I've actually been under the weather this week. My body has decided to come down with the flu (it's progressed to a horrible cough case you wanted to know) and so during the hottest days of the year I've been stuck in a building with no air con, meaning 31 degrees, as well as a fever. I may as well have just melted! I really can't wait for the seasons to change and for autumn and winter to be on their way.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

weekly wishes.

(image via quotesandimages)
# To spend as little as possible before pay day.
# To plan and have fun days at home and locally because of said saving.
# To look into Paris for my mum's birthday.
Weekly wishes #20
# To get rid of this horrible flu.
# To have another week of spending as little money as possible.
# To order a few Christmas presents.
# To have a cozy night in with Alex (it won't be cozy if it stays this hot and stuffy but we can try).

Friday, August 17, 2012

age is just a number...

(image via blondesandbeach)

I'm sure I'll come round to this way of thinking, in fact most of the time I do, however, there are certain times I have issues with age. For example, I can safely say that when I'm asked if I'm at college by people 5 years younger than me really irritates me. I'm fine if people think I'm younger than I am, but 5 years younger is pushing it (remind of this when I hit 30, please!). I live with my boyfriend, finished university with a good degree and have a full time job. All that and I can legally buy alcohol! So while I'm sit drinking my wine, in my flat all paid for with my wages I'll think how good it is to be older and relish in the fact that I don't have to go back to school or university in the next couple weeks!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

a little taste of christmas.

For me, one of the most Christmasy smells has to be cinnamon. Any hint of the smell and I think of winter; snuggled up under 2 duvets and so many layers you struggle to move (our flat has heating issues-in the sense that it doesn't like to heat up at all), thinking about going home to visit parents, where they have a fire, going to see the Christmas lights being turned on, afternoons getting darker, and of course the endless Christmas films that I make Alex endure. As you can tell I really do love winter. So other week it was a bit cloudy and almost like the weather we're use to and I thought I'd bring a little taste of Christmas to August and to our house. It was the first time making them, but I made cinnamon rolls (recipe) and boy where they so easy to make and so tasty. Alex finished off most of them but when they were fresh out of the oven, they went down perfectly with a toasty warm cup of tea and an afternoon film.

Monday, August 13, 2012

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

My, my, what a busy, and somewhat expensive, week I've had. My days off were right at the beginning of the week so work wise it has seemed like a very long one. However, I did have a very good Monday seeing a friend I haven't seen in two years! Besides that I've fitting in as much Olympics viewing as possible- I cannot believe it's over so quickly, it really will be Christmas before you know it (and I can't wait!)

weekly wishes.

(image via etsy)

# To spend some quality time with Alex.
# Catch up with a friend who I haven't seen in about 2 years!
# To bake.

Weekly wishes #19

# To spend as little as possible before pay day.
# To plan and have fun days at home and locally because of said saving.
# To look into Paris for my mum's birthday.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

monday afternoon in london.

Last Monday me and Alex headed off into London to do a bit of shopping, and, for me, to meet up with a very good friend. 
Before meeting up with my friend, Alex and I did some exploring; it's always nice to go somewhere different (and in London you always can!) even if it's just to have a little walk around before headed somewhere else. While Alex carried on shopping, I meet up with my friend, who I haven't seen in 2 years, for cocktails. Alex joined us when it started to rain. It was a lovely day of exploring and catching up- a not so blue Monday for me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

catching up.

I love catching up with friends, most particular the friend I went out with on Saturday night. I used to work with her and since I left (a month ago already) we have barely gone a day without being in contact with each other on the phone, and pretty much meet once a fortnight, if not more. To me she is a true friend that I have made and we can talk about anything and we pretty much don't stop talking. We were so prepared to meet this Saturday that we knew where we were going and what we were going to eat about a week and a half before the actual day itself! These burgers were heaven; when the menu said mini burgers I was expecting something more cute than tasty- I was wrong. I think it's safe to say I was in food heaven! And an evening topped off with cocktails, is a good night had. To the next evening...

my week, according to the photos i've taken.

Just a few photos of a good week of baking, and going out for food and cocktails with a good friend. Let's hope this week is a good'un as well.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

weekly wishes.

(image via pinterest)
# To be closer to family (a long shot but it would be nice).
# To see if the flat can be spruced up a bit.
# Try and find/start looking for some work experience.
# To potentially start buying a few Christmas presents. Is it to soon?

Weekly wishes #18

# To spend some quality time with Alex.
# Catch up with a friend who I haven't seen in about 2 years!
# To bake.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

walking on sunshine.

The weather held off and was beautiful for my parents quick visit. After my graduation we came back home, changed and went out to celebrate and enjoy the sunshine. We ended up walking a long the river; it was nice to show mum and dad a different part than they usual see/where we usually go. It was lovely afternoon, even if I do think I may have melted!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

changes, that's the way it is.

(image via kandydisenos)

Lots of changes have happened recently, all have been chosen but some, I'm realising, might not have been the best but you are never going to know unless you give it ago. Over the next few months I intend to have these changes to continue and others lead to something new. It might be simple things as chopping all my locks off (which was big for me as I'd been trying to go my hair for ages), trying to update and change my wardrobe, to the big things like graduating. The next big steps I want to take is to gain some work experience/volunteer somewhere and update my cv; I might even try my writing skills again, who knows. This period of time is going to be my transition period and to do more things which can help change the bigger picture. Hopefully it'll be nerve-racking, exciting and something for the future. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

a slice of cake.

Another birthday, another cake; this time it was for my dad. I made a Guinness and chocolate cake with a white chocolate ganache filing and then to top it off more ganache! Once it all set, it was like fudge. It was very tasty and a little slice went a long way. Yum.